In January we applied to be a part of the self-guided Spring Fresh Art Tour in Pepin County, and we were accepted in! We are so excited to be apart of this great opportunity. Swing by and check out our work at our Wisconsin studio June 7,8 &9 10:00-5:00pm.
If you have been to our website lately or seen us on AirBnB Experiences you know that spoon carving classes have become one of the most important activities around VevangMPLS. Classes were not on our radar when we began to ramp up our carving. But it turns out that sharing what you love with like minded folks is a lot of fun. Not only do we teach out of our studio, but we’ve been holding classes at Ingebretsens Scandinavian Market. At the end of March we will be teaching at a new folk school, Marine Mills, at Marine on the St Croix. This past fall we also did a gig at Target Corp. In recent months we’ve been teaching about two classes a month with an average of eight students in each class. We hope to see you in a class soon or let us know if you’d like us to teach at your space.
Michele & Erik-little tid bits from our daily life Archives
January 2020